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  • Writer's pictureCourtney

What is "Intentional Inspiration?"

Updated: Jan 28, 2018

Intention - a thing intended; an aim or plan.

Inspiration - 1. the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.

2. the drawing in of breath; inhalation.

The one interview question I hate the most is, "Tell me about yourself." Let's face it, that question is in every interview. My first thought is usually "We don't have that much time." Nervously I go on about my professional life: I am a young professional with experience in teaching, public relations, marketing, and working with others. I am a team player and a self starter. I am someone who finishes projects before the deadline and helps out in whatever way possible with all that I work with.

His questions at that first meeting became the driving point for this blog...

What I usually don't get to is the person I am at my core. I was in a networking meeting in the summer, 2017, when the manager I was speaking with asked me "How do you handle stress at work? Especially tough situations where you lose significantly." He then went on to ask me "What to you do to decompress after work? What do you do in your free time?" I was incredibly thrown off by this and stumbled through my answer hoping he couldn't see how uncomfortable I was with his question. It was the kind of uncomfortable that challenged me and pushed me out of my comfort zone at work. It also brought up something I don't always think about; I am just as much a person at work as I am at home. Why should I be two separate people? Needless to say, I often thank God above that he saw past that first networking meeting and I continue to work at that company.

I guess in a way, his questions at that first meeting became the driving point for this blog. The more I thought about his questions (and way over thought them), I couldn't remember much about myself and my interests anymore. Lately my life had been so much about school and work, I had forgotten about my love for running, lifting, music, art, photography, reading, and movies. That sometimes I like to run or walk just to listen to music and think. I am a young professional with about 100 other different interests, and never a dull moment. That is what this blog is, Intentional Inspiration. This blog is my intention in my life to provide inspiration and to continue to find inspiration for myself. I am continually growing and developing as a person and my interests grow with me. My Intentional Inspiration is to rediscover the things I loved, discover new things to love, and hopefully inspire others along the way.

Make it your intention to find something that inspires you. Feel free to share it here and together, in community, we will grow and discover inspiration through intention.

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